TaskMerlin Project Management Software, To-Do List Software and Task Management Software for your Microsoft Windows PC and office network |
5. Finding and Sorting Tasks
As the number of items, folders and projects begin to grow you may
again find you have trouble keeping track of all your information. This is where
one of the best features of TaskMerlin comes into play. On the bottom left-hand
side you'll notice a window containing TaskMerlin filters. These enable you to
find and sort tasks according to any criteria that interest you. We've provided a number
of filters that you might find useful. However you can also create new filters
or edit existing filters to reflect your own needs.
Advanced topic: Designing filters
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 "For each aspect of a data element, there are a plethora of fields to choose from, all of which can be used for searching or sorting."
Ian Harac Editor's Review PC World More Testimonials ...
