Home Personal and collaborative GTD software for Windows
Getting Things Done software for your Microsoft Windows PC and office network
Task Management Software

GTD Software for Getting Things Done

A guide to applying David Allen's GTD workflow principles within TaskMerlin. Click on the images below for further detail.

InboxCollect stuff in your TaskMerlin inbox.
Trash or ArchiveIf it's not actionable, then either trash it or file it away for future reference.
ProjectsIf it's actionable, then determine the project or outcome.
Next ActionBreak the project down into tasks and determine the next action required.
Do NowIf the action will take less than two minutes, then do it now.
DelegateIf you're not the right person to do it, then delegate to the appropriate person.
DeferIf you are the right person to do it, then track it on your "Next Actions" list.
ReviewReview your system each week.
Do Next ActionsDo the tasks on your "Next Actions" list.
TaskMerlin 5.2
Microsoft Windows PC GTD softwareWindows 11/10, 8/7/Vista/XP, Server 2022/2019/2016/2012
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GTD Context Filtering

GTD Software See how to filter by context in TaskMerlin.
Task Management Software

Testimonial"This is a fine program, it supports the GTD method yet allows the user to apply their own personality to the process."
John Moore
Network Architect
Washington, USA
Testimonial"TaskMerlin is a hierarchical task, project, and note outliner with a lot of attention to detail ... TaskMerlin does GTD and Total, Relaxed Organization."
Kevin Crenshaw
Productivity Coach
Priacta, Inc.

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Task Management Software
Task Management Software

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